Friday, January 27, 2012

Why Going to Live on the Moon Would fix Everything

There have been many problems in our world. War, pollution, natural disasters, politics, politicians, greed, paranoia, the list goes on. But the biggest the 1%.... Come on guys, it's obvious that the 1% is ruling the world and we just don't know about it. Except for me. That is why I have come up with a solution.

First we need to push forward all of our space race things to the top of the priorities list. That way in a couple years we can send people to space.

Next we start giving free tours of the moon to the lower class's. That way the 1% will get ticked off because the lower class is getting to see the marvels of the universe and all they can do is swim in their gold pool filled with money!

Then, after these tours have been going on for a while, we sneak one of our own guys into the senate and have his start telling people that we have built a city upon the moon. The rich people would freak out! They would say "We need to send the most important people we know!" so they will send the Queen of England and other important people. Then they will say "We need to send the most intelligent people!" So they send Bill Clinton and some more people they think are intelligent (Give them a break's a miracle they could even spell Bill's name right). Then they will compile a list of people they think should live on the moon.

After much debate, they will decide that maybe they should only sell tickets to live on the moon. Yet because of how expensive everything is, the tickets result in being very expensive.

That way, only the 1% are able to afford a ticket. After we take them to the moon we drop them of and leave them there. Since we didn't really build a city we will need to try and make it up to them so every week we will send a shuttle full of airplane peanuts and ramen.

After we have all of them gone we beg Canada for forgiveness because of all the jokes me make about them and let them absorb us into their country and instead of North America we are called North Canada.


  1. Bahahaha! That last bit about joining Canada sounds a tad like treason. Haha. But you're hilarious Jer Ber!

  2. Down with the 1%! Power to The People!
