Thursday, April 19, 2012

To not be a "H8er"

There are things that people don't like, that is inevitable. But at what point does not liking something become "hating" or "being a hater of something"?

Let's take music for example. Someone says, "Hey! I like Johnny Cash!". The person who just doesn't like it as much, may even hate it will only say. "They're not my favorite" Then if asked why they will give their reasons. Now if they're a Hater, they will not only tell you that they don't like him...but they will also give every single reason why they don't and explain that you are a bad person for liking his music.

What it comes down to I suppose is the intensity of the discussion and the intent for hating them.

I can respect your opinion if you have logical reasons for not liking something.....but if your only reason is "It's stupid" or "it sounds dumb" or some other mud slinging phrase.....I might lose my cool......which isn'

People can have differing opinions of something and still be friends. Me and my brotha Andrew Woodruff have had a heated debate on who would win a fight between Gandalf and Aslan (Me for the mighty lion and him for the mighty wizard), yet we have both agreed to disagree because we realize that we have differing opinions on this subject. Furthermore we also realize that it's kind of ridiculous to argue over.....

For a while I have tried to not be the said "hater". In an attempt to get rid of the hater label that I have acquired on a couple things, I have decided to open my mind to it.

That includes the ridiculous videos of Balloon Shop (which although they are still weird, they now have a special place in my heart), Country Music (don't mind the accent too much now), and the album "Flamingo" by Brandon Flowers (Magdalena is one of my favorite songs now)

I will however forever be a hater of Justin Bieber and other bad music (that includes boy bands and Rebecca Black)


  1. Hahaha. You've heard Boyfriend by Big Time Rush, I presume? That's about as terrible as boy bands get. =D
    Were you a hater of Flamingo before? I had no idea! My favorite songs on that album are "Magdalena" and "Jilted Lovers and Broken Hearts."

  2. I'd distinguish this a little different, Jeremy. We're irrational and illogical beings. Sometimes, we don't have a logical reason for liking or not liking something--we just don't like it. Deciding you don't like something doesn't make you a hater, as long as you don't disparage other people who do. The problem comes in disliking or getting down on the people who like something, not in disliking or getting down on the thing itself.

  3. Dude, I totally agree. I can respect if you don't like something. It just bugs me when people are antagonistic towards the thing they hate....unless the antagonism is deserved.....

    I need to take a debate class......

