Thursday, December 16, 2010

Letters to Santa

I had read some of these, thought you might want to see them for your reading pleasure.

Dear Santa,
I have been really good at helping my mom this year
I have been trying to be more proactive
This year I want a Machine Gun
Love, some kid.
.......I don't know about you, but if this kid knows how to use the word "proactive" then he can have what ever he wants

Dear Santa,
I don't believe in you.
Love, disbelieving child
If you don't believe, then why are you asking, hm?

Dear Santa,
What type of fuel do you use for your reindeer?
.....................nuff said

Ask a Corrupt Polotician

I only have two words to say: Conformity rules! I dream of a world where everyone wears the same mundane shoes, clothes, and hair styles. Where every car on the road is a brilliant lack-luster gray and everyone agrees with one another. Conformity can solve all kinds of problems, from the small fight between brothers to the wars between countries. I think that the schools are doing a wonderful job of destroying everybodies individuality so that we can save the world.

This was the first paragraph of my AP literature and composition essay. Not to boast, but I got a pretty good grade on it. If anyone has any questions for the whack-job man, feel free. Who knows, It could be fun

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Doctor Who Blog

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Teenagers of all ages. You may have heard me and my fellow bretheren Andrew Woodruff and Caleb Cranney talking about a strange show called "Doctor Who". We have been yearning to explain it to people, but after the first word they usually write it off as some wierd show. is. But if you come with an open mind you will realize how good it actually is. Coming soon there will be a blog that will detail the travelings. We will acquaint you with terms such as T.A.R.D.I.S, Ood, and Raxacoricofallapatorius.
You will also be able to learn about the man himself.
Some know him as the Last of the Time-Lords. Legends call him the Sainted Physician. His enemies call him the Destroyer of Worlds and Oncoming Storm....
He is The Doctor.

The blog will be up soon.

Monday, December 6, 2010


This is the most asked question....
Can I ask you a question?......chew on that for a while

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bucket List

I've always wanted to make one of these lists and seeing that I have a lot of time on my hands I thought "why not? I've got time so most of these can happen....most of these" I have done some of these already so I figure I'm in good shape. I don't have very much but the list will grow.

1)Sit on the Utah side at a BYU vs. Utah game....I did that and almost got attacked.
2)Not read Twilight. I'm doing pretty good on this one
3)Show up to the Harry Potter premier dressed as Darth Vader
4)Get unblocked from ChaCha.
5)Meet the Pope
6)Fill the 1 in the commons with water and fill it with gold fish that I will sell.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Sanity is for the unimaginative

Remember when we were kids? The world was ours. We commanded nations. Invented things that would change humanity. Manufactured world peace! ....What happened to us? We grew up. These things that we had done as children were all just things we had concocted in our little minds. It's ironic that we were so brilliant as five year olds when nothing made sense. I try and keep that. I try to make the unimaginable plausible. We all need a little insanity to survive the world. If everything made sense, what would there be to learn? Leave logic to the pessimistic. Give me the impossible.